How Much On Average Does An Adoption Cost in Mississippi?

A state well known for its music, culture, and literature, Mississippi is home to almost 3 million people. If you’re wanting to adopt a child or place a child for adoption in Mississippi, it’s important to know just how much adoption costs and to know about each expense. This article will provide the expenses, the details of those expenses, provide a few lists of some important requirements, and will answer the question; how much on average does an adoption cost in Mississippi?

For Expectant Parents

When placing your baby up for adoption in Mississippi, you must research all about the adoption placing process. Normally, especially when placing a child for adoption with an adoption agency, the costs are free for both expectant parents and birth parents. 

When working with an agency, it’s the adoptive parents’ responsibility to help pay for the expenses of the birth mother and those expenses are medical bills related to the pregnancy, the agency fees, legal fees, birth mother counseling services, and some of the living expenses for the birth mother. The free services extend even after the adoption finalization, most times up to six weeks after the adoption has taken place. 

So What Are All of the Adoption Expenses for the Adoptive Parents?

How Much On Average Does An Adoption Cost in Mississippi?

When adopting a child from Mississippi, there are several expenses the adoptive parents must pay. Depending on whether you choose to adopt either through a private adoption (also known as an independent adoption, and doesn’t require the use of an adoption agency) or through an agency. Here are the top 3 average expenses for each method of adoption. 

The Top 3 Average Expenses When Working With An Adoption Agency in Mississippi 

Costs will vary: usually, the average cost is between $20,000-$45,000.The expenses included are:

  1. Legal fees

Though most of the legal fees will be covered by the adoption process, the average cost for an attorney in Mississippi rounds up to $4,500. The legal fees that are covered include parental rights termination and the court reports. 

  1. Birth mother expenses 

These expenses in Mississippi added up on average rounds up to $6,000-$8,000 and may vary. The expenses included are:

  • Medical expenses relating to the pregnancy like prenatal care, doctor visits, and hospital expenses. It’s at the utmost significance that both mother and baby remain healthy.
  • Housing expenses like food, rent, utilities, etc. The birth mother needs a place to live while carrying the baby and needs food to sustain both herself and the baby. 
  • Transportation services to and from appointments and court proceedings. 
  • Counseling services that are important for expectant and birth parents going through with their adoption plan. There are so many grueling emotions that can come with placing a child for adoption, and counseling can help the birth parents gain control of their emotions while placing their child for adoption. 

*(Usually when working with an agency, they provide 24/7 counseling that is free for birth mothers. Look into free counseling services for birth mothers with whatever Mississippi agency you choose to work with.)

  •  The birth mother’s legal fees. Legal fees are coordinated with the agency by the agency choosing an outside lawyer within the state of Mississippi. 
  •  Post-adoption fees. These fees often require the mediation of the agency you work with. 

   3. Agency fees

The agency costs in Mississippi added up on average rounds up to $35,000. These expenses include:

  • The adoption application. Application fees vary by agency.
  • The home study fees. Adoption agencies usually are licensed to conduct the home study; however, it’s wise to ask about home study processing and review fees.
  • Advertising. Adoption agencies offer advertising services but can be limited to advertising to expectant and birth mothers in the state of Mississippi, which could mean a longer wait time for the adoptive parents. 
  • Agency contracts. The agency contracts vary.
  • Documentations, (background checks, fingerprinting, physicals, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce papers, financial paperwork, etc.) These notable documents are a requirement for any adoption and can cost up to $1,000.

Agencies help you with finding and matching with a child waiting to be adopted, help make your family profiles, help conduct home studies, provide counseling, provide training and education, and post-placement adoption visits. You can work with either nationwide agencies, or work with adoption agencies exclusively in the state of Mississippi.Here’s more information on what an adoption agency does.

The Top 3 Expenses When Choosing to Adopt Independently in Mississippi: 

The total average costs for an independent adoption ranges from $25,000 to $40,000.

  1. The Attorney Fees

The cost when working with an attorney in Mississippi averages add up to around $10,000 to $15,000

With an independent adoption, you’re responsible for finding an adoption attorney to help you start the adoption process. The adoption attorney helps you find a child waiting for adoption, arranges a home study, and takes care of your adoption case up until the finalization of the adoption. An adoption attorney also is good to have to help you with all the complicated legal issues that come with adoption. Check out this article to learn more about what an adoption attorney is, and this article if you need to know when you need an adoption attorney

  1. Advertising Fees

Adoption advertising fees in Mississippi can average up to around $500 to $1,500.

By using adoption advertising services, you can create your adoption profile by advertising online, on television, in magazines, or the newspaper. These expenses are also used for managing a website, marketing strategies, and networking with various adoption professionals. 

  1. Birth Mother Expenses 

These are the same expenses and average costs as the birth mother agency expenses listed above except for counseling services. While counseling services are provided by an agency, an adoption attorney looks for outside adoption counselors for an extra fee. The fees vary by the hour. Read this wiki article for more information on adoption costs.

Still wondering how much on average does an adoption cost in Mississippi?

Here’s Some More Additional Average Costs and Services Provided

Whether working with an agency or attorney in Mississippi, you must keep in mind each additional cost of services provided by each. Be aware that sometimes there are also hidden fees with both an agency and an attorney. 

  • Home Study Expenses that can cost between $1,000 to $3,000 when using an adoption attorney.
  • Travel Expenses if needed to travel outside of the state of Mississippi, and the cost of travel varies.
  • Post Placement Services that can cost around $500 to $2,500
  • Overhead Fees can vary moderately to highly.
  • Court Costs that can cost up to $1,000

Other Important Questions to Ask A Mississippi Adoption Agency or Adoption Attorney 

When working with either an adoption agency or attorney, asking these questions can better help you plan and fully estimate the average costs of adoption in Mississippi. Here’s a sizable amount of starter questions:

  • Is there a fee to consult an attorney when working with your agency?
  • How will the legal fees need to be paid? Do I need to pay the attorney or the agency upfront? 
  • How much are the average legal expenses that I’ll need to pay? 
  • Are there any more services included that I need to pay for?
  • Are there separate fees for counseling services and what services related to counseling do I pay towards?
  • Is there an hourly fee for the attorney?
  • Is there an hourly fee for the counseling services?
  • How much money goes towards the counseling services? 
  • What about advertising fees? What’s the average cost of advertising?
  • Is there a flat advertising fee, regardless of how long it takes to get matched with a birth mother? 
  • Do I have to pay for the renewal of advertising?
  • What’s the cost of each advertising platform?
  • Can you advertise effectively if the costs are higher than average?
  • What is the total estimate we need to pay for expectant or birth mother expenses? 
  • Is there a limited amount that the birth mother will receive for their expenses?
  • What about if the birth mother changes her mind before adoption? Will I be reimbursed?
  • Do the payments go directly to the birth mother, or does it go towards (the landlord, grocery store, utility company, etc.)?
  • Does the birth mother’s insurance cover most of the doctor visits and hospital payments?
  • How about if the birth mother doesn’t have insurance? Do you help her apply for Medicaid? 
  • Do you make sure that the insurance helps pay for the medical expenses? 
  • What about the copays? Are they my responsibility? 
  • What expenses vary?
  • Is there a way I can make a payment plan, or set aside a budget?

It also helps to jot down any other questions about the cost of adoption that you may have when working with an adoption agency or attorney. Look at this article about 22 questions to ask an adoption agency before choosing them, for more great questions to ask an adoption agency. Also, check out this forum about questions to ask a lawyer. To learn more about the birth mother expenses you should pay, you should first read about the 3 things to consider before paying the birth mother expenses.

How Can I Possibly Afford to Adopt a Child From Mississippi?

This is easier said than done, but there’s no need to be fretting over the costs of adoption. How? By looking into getting some assistance. 

By signing up with the Mississippi Families  For Kids Program, you’ll receive help with:

  • Domestic and international adoptions
  • Gaining access to pre-adoptive group seminars
  • Matching up with children waiting to be adopted in Mississippi
  • Home study services
  • Follow up with post-placement
  • Complete legal services including the adoption finalization
  • A hotline that’s available for 24 hours that provides crisis interventions
  • Family support groups and even grandparent support services
  • Adoptive parent training

When working with the Mississippi State Adoption Assistance Program, after placement you can receive adoption assistance payments for up to $2,500 and is fully funded by the state of Mississippi. 

There’s also help with children with special needs in Mississippi. If the child you’re looking into adopting is over the age of 6 and is classified as a special needs child, the adoption assistance funds allowed are up to $325 to $400 a child. 

With adoption fees, the adoptive families can be reimbursed for up to $1,000 a child, and to become eligible, you’ll have to sign the adoption assistance agreement before the adoption becomes finalized. 

If you’re pondering on the tax deductions, read this article to see if adoption expenses are tax-deductible and if you qualify.

There’s also adoption grants you can look into applying for! Read all about this article on the 7 grants you need to apply for now

Final Thoughts and Advice on How Much On Average Does An Adoption Cost in Mississippi.

To briefly recap on the average expenses:

  • Adoption Agency expenses for services can cost up to around $45,000.
  • Independent Adoption expenses for services cost up to $25,000 to $40,000.

Looking at all of these different costs for adoption might seem like an overwhelming task, but with proper planning, budgeting, resources, and assistance, you can be one step closer to adopting a child in Mississippi. This article is filled with useful information about adoption costs and hopefully will give you further knowledge about the average cost to adopting a child from Mississippi.

If you’re still concerned about just how to afford these adoption costs, read up on these 3 handy articles to learn the 14 things you need know about affording adoption, about adoption subsidy,  and adoption assistance.

For even more great content, read this article about the average cost of adoption, and this informative article all about adoption in Mississippi.